Punks and Princesses - Season 3 Episode 18 : Mozes imat moje tijelo
Bitange i princeze is a situation comedy type television show currently airing on Croatian Radio Television. The story is positioned in Zagreb, and it relies basically on group of people living in an apartment going through disasters in their life, falling in love, making it comical, similar to the plot in Friends. However, it contains elements of parody. For instance, as opposed to good relations between Friends, the characters are often fighting and making fun of each other, especially Irena Grobnik and Robert "Robi" Kumerle.
First Air Date : Apr 15, 2005
Last Air Date : Feb 22, 2010
Runtime : 30 min.
Genre : Comedy
Stars : Rene Bitorajac, Tarik Filipović, Mila Elegović, Hrvoje Kečkeš, Nataša Dangubić
Quality :
- Eps. 0 : Behind the scenes: Specijal2007-02-04
- Eps. 1 : Ta divna stvorenja2007-02-11
- Eps. 2 : Noc gutaca butelja2007-02-18
- Eps. 3 : Kazo i duhovi2007-02-25
- Eps. 4 : Kad porastem bit cu Kumerle2007-03-08
- Eps. 5 : Nazovi H radi humorstva2007-03-15
- Eps. 6 : Grimizni hrbat2007-03-22
- Eps. 8 : Jedno vjencanje i sprovod2007-04-05
- Eps. 11 : Sudnica Zvonimira Muffera2007-05-03
- Eps. 12 : Zohari, ose, gnjide2007-05-10
- Eps. 13 : Milenijsko gnijezdo2007-05-17
- Eps. 14 : Humanitarna vecera2007-05-24
- Eps. 15 : Kaj jedes? Kajmak!2007-05-31
- Eps. 17 : Lovacka prica2007-06-14
- Eps. 18 : Mozes imat moje tijelo2007-06-21
- Eps. 19 : Moje bi tijelo tvoje htjelo2007-06-28
- Eps. 20 : Teroristicka sezona2007-06-29