Maski-Show - Season 5 Episode 5 : Maski Went Fishing
The Maski-Show is a comedy television show that starred comedy troupe of eccentric mime clowns from Odesa, Ukraine and aired in various incarnations between 1991 and 2006 in Russia and Ukraine.
First Air Date : Jan 25, 1992
Last Air Date : Feb 25, 2006
Runtime : min.
Genre : Comedy
Stars : Georgiy Deliev, Boris Barskiy, Albert Kasparyanc, Vladimir Komarov, Evelina Bledans, Aleksandr Postolenko, Igor Malakhov, Natalya Buzko, Mikhail Voloshin, Aleksey Agopyan, Oleh Yemtsev
Quality :
- Eps. 1 : Maski In The Park1999-03-06
- Eps. 2 : Maski In Crime1999-03-13
- Eps. 3 : Maski In Jail (Part 1)1999-04-17
- Eps. 4 : Maski In Jail (Part 2)1999-04-24
- Eps. 5 : Maski Went Fishing1999-05-15
- Eps. 6 : Super Sketches 1999 (Part 1)1999-11-13
- Eps. 7 : Super Sketches 1999 (Part 2)1999-11-20
- Eps. 8 : Super Sketches 1999 (Part 3)1999-11-27
- Eps. 9 : Super Sketches 1999 (Part 4)1999-12-04
- Eps. 10 : COMICaze (Part 1)2000-01-15
- Eps. 11 : COMICaze (Part 2)2000-01-22
- Eps. 12 : Maski At A Casino2002-12-07
- Eps. 13 : Maski In Israel2002-12-14
- Eps. 14 : Maski In Kemerovo2002-12-21
- Eps. 15 : Maski In The Mine2002-12-28