The Exciled Cow (2014)
"The Exciled Cow" is a 2014 Comedy movie directed by Senem Kayhan and starring by Hasan Kaçan, Şebnem Sönmez. The year 1997... In the days when people are exiled for their thoughts, now the tables have turned and the freedom of a cow living in the village of Gomalak is in danger. "The Exiled Cow". inspired from a true story, tells the tale of Sarikiz, with its spectacular cast and now meets the audience as the comedy of the century...
Released : Feb 28, 2014
Runtime : 122 min.
Stars : Hasan Kaçan, Şebnem Sönmez, Fırat Tanış, Cezmi Baskın
Director : Senem Kayhan
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