

Dr. Bashir Hamed, a Syrian doctor with battle-tested skills in emergency medicine, makes the difficult decision to flee his country and build a new life in Canada with his younger sister Amira. Bash works to navigate a new environment after earning a coveted residency in the Emergency Department of one of the best hospitals in Toronto, York Memorial.

Gênero: Drama

Fundida: Hamza Haq, Laurence Leboeuf, Ayisha Issa, Sirena Gulamgaus, Kenny Wong, Torri Higginson, Rekha Sharma, Gord Rand

Primeiro Encontro: Feb 26, 2020

Data da última transmissão: Jan 19, 2024

País: CA

Tempo de execução: 43 minutos

Qualidade: HD

imdb rating 7.7


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