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Taken Down

Taken Down is a crime drama series set in Dublin. The first series investigates the violent death of a young Nigerian migrant found abandoned close to a Direct Provision Centre, where refugees await the hope of asylum. The investigation brings us into a twilight world of the new Ireland where slum landlords and criminals prey on the vulnerable.

Gênero: Crime, Drama

Fundida: Aaron Edo, Seán Edo, Aïssa Maïga, Lynn Rafferty, Orla Fitzgerald, Sean Fox, Slimane Dazi, Gavin O'Connor, Brian Gleeson

Primeiro Encontro: Nov 04, 2018

Data da última transmissão: Dec 09, 2018

País: IE

Tempo de execução: 54 minutos

Qualidade: HD

imdb rating 6.4


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