The Owl House - Season 2 Episode 1 : Separate Tides
An animated fantasy-comedy series that follows Luz, a self-assured teenage girl who accidentally stumbles upon a portal to a magical world where she befriends a rebellious witch, Eda, and an adorably tiny warrior, King. Despite not having magical abilities, Luz pursues her dream of becoming a witch by serving as Eda's apprentice at the Owl House and ultimately finds a new family in an unlikely setting.
First Air Date : Jan 10, 2020
Last Air Date : Apr 08, 2023
Runtime : 22 min.
Genre : Animation, Sci-Fi & Fantasy, Drama, Action & Adventure, Comedy, Kids
Stars : Sarah-Nicole Robles, Alex Hirsch
Quality :
- Eps. 1 : Separate Tides2021-06-12
- Eps. 2 : Escaping Expulsion2021-06-19
- Eps. 3 : Echoes of the Past2021-06-26
- Eps. 4 : Keeping Up A-fear-ances2021-07-03
- Eps. 6 : Hunting Palismen2021-07-17
- Eps. 7 : Eda's Requiem2021-07-24
- Eps. 9 : Eclipse Lake2021-08-07
- Eps. 10 : Yesterday's Lie2021-08-14
- Eps. 12 : Elsewhere and Elsewhen2022-03-26
- Eps. 13 : Any Sport in a Storm2022-04-02
- Eps. 14 : Reaching Out2022-04-09
- Eps. 15 : Them's the Breaks, Kid2022-04-16
- Eps. 16 : Hollow Mind2022-04-23
- Eps. 17 : Edge of the World2022-04-30
- Eps. 18 : Labyrinth Runners2022-05-07
- Eps. 19 : O Titan, Where Art Thou2022-05-14
- Eps. 20 : Clouds on the Horizon2022-05-21
- Eps. 21 : King's Tide2022-05-28