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This fun family TV comedy set in the capital of Croatia, Zagreb where Stjepan and Lila who are high school sweethearts, both divorced, accidentaly run into each other after twenty years. Eventually, they get married and Lila moves with her two daughters to Stjepan's house.

Gênero: Drama, Família

Fundida: Goran Navojec, Ljubomir Kerekeš, Adi Prohić, Ana Ledenko, Jan Begović, Marija Škaričić, Bojan Navojec, Adrian Hajsok, Tonka Pavić, Vid Ćosić

Primeiro Encontro: Sep 07, 2015

Data da última transmissão: Nov 19, 2015

País: HR

Tempo de execução: minutos

Qualidade: HD

imdb rating 0


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