

Nele and Gianni have been married for ten years and their love life seems to have died a slow, sexless death. With the help of a therapist, they decide to spice up their sex life in a darkly funny series that is not afraid to break a few taboos!

Gênero: Comédia

Fundida: Vera Bommer, Nicola Mastroberardino, Wanda Wylowa, Leonardo Nigro, Jérôme Humm, Peter Jecklin, Beren Tuna, Jürg Plüss, Vera Flück, Laila Nielsen

Primeiro Encontro: Feb 26, 2018

Data da última transmissão: Nov 11, 2019

País: CH

Tempo de execução: 24 minutos

Qualidade: HD

imdb rating 6.7


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