


OB tells the story of funny incidents at the OKTV television station office. All these incidents often occur due to the naivety of Sayuti, the Office Boy in the office. Placed in the kitchen, the innocent Sayuti has to interact with fellow workers, such as Odah, who acts like a ruler, Ismail, who often acts cool, and Susi, a janitor who falls in love with Sayuti.

Gênero: Comédia

Fundida: Aditya Sayuti, Oline Mendeng, Tika Panggabean, Daus Separo, Marlon Renaldy, Bayu Oktara, M Ridwan, Winda Viska

Primeiro Encontro: Apr 17, 2006

Data da última transmissão: Oct 10, 2008

País: ID

Tempo de execução: 30 minutos

Qualidade: HD

imdb rating 0


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