سوالف أم هلال Temporada 2

The series revolves around a simple family where the housewife Marzouq and Marzouqa (um Hilal and Abu Hilal) (Salwa Bakheet, and Mohammed Awad) work in the Bahraini sweets trade and live with their sons Hilal (Jassim Al-Sayegh), Latifa (Najla Butti) and Salwa (Shafiqa Yousef), whom Al-Baz (Jassim Sharida) marries, and um Hilal always gets involved in many problems because of her ideas and then pays for her ideas at the end


Fundida: سلوى بخيت

Primeiro Encontro: Apr 28, 1987

Data da última transmissão: Apr 28, 1987

País: BH

Tempo de execução: minutos

Qualidade: HD

imdb rating 0


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