


Miyata, a business magazine editor who just entered the 10th year of his career and receives a proposal for a new column from a popular college professor named Iwanaga, who happens to be his first love. Miyata promised to elope with Iwanaga in their high school years, but got teased for it, leading to their eventual breakup. With their new professional reunion, a relationship both old and new begins.

Gênero: Drama

Fundida: Makoto Hasegawa, Robin Furuya, Aloha Takamatsu, Riko Nagase, Shunya Shiraishi, Nose Rin

Primeiro Encontro: Mar 05, 2024

Data da última transmissão: Apr 09, 2024

País: JP

Tempo de execução: minutos

Qualidade: HD

imdb rating 9


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