


Described as fiction with autobiographical overtones, the series revolves around the real-life Spanish actresses and sisters, Joana Vilapuig and Mireia Vilapuig who, in a personal touch, found fame as teen actresses in “The Red Band Society.” A decade on, now 27 and 25, they are figuring out how to move their careers forward and trying to find their place in the film-tv industry and life, in a present which is far from certain.

Gênero: Drama

Fundida: Joana Vilapuig, Mireia Vilapuig, Joan Esteve, Yolanda Sey, Marc Ribera, Pablo Derqui, Abril Zamora, Lluís Marquès

Primeiro Encontro: Apr 04, 2023

Data da última transmissão: Apr 04, 2023

País: ES

Tempo de execução: 30 minutos

Qualidade: HD

imdb rating 5.7


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