


Shen Mia is the daughter of the wealthiest man in Yangzhou City. Although she has wealth and beauty, no one dares marry her. Potential grooms consider her jinxed since two former fiancés ran away before their weddings. Shen Miao will meet a talented young scholar named Pei Yan Zhen, beginning a fantastic love story.

Gênero: Comédia, Drama

Fundida: Sophie Zhang, Xing Zhaolin, Wang Yilun, Shang Qi, Li Mengying, Yu Yijie, Yue Yang, Zhao Ke, Yang Shuo

Primeiro Encontro: Jan 11, 2023

Data da última transmissão: Feb 03, 2023

País: CN

Tempo de execução: 45 minutos

Qualidade: HD

imdb rating 5.3


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