
Boss Chai (Wang Sha) serves as the leader of a group of thieves and skilled pickpockets. One fateful night, his most prized possessions fall into the hands of his senior disciple, Hsiao Hsiang Kung (Ye Feng), a renowned master thief among thieves. The two embark on a series of escapades marked by intense rivalry, crafty betrayals, and occasional partnerships. Amid their adventures, Hsiao Hsiang Kung demonstrates that he is not just a thief but also a compassionate man, assisting the less fortunate and coming to the rescue of distressed damsels.


Fundida: Helena Law Lan, Wang Sha, Yau Fung

Equipe técnica: John Law Ma (Director)

País: Hong Kong

Tempo de execução: 103 minutos

Qualidade: HD

Lançamento: 1975

imdb rating 6


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