
The 4th installment of the popular series "Kishiwada Shonen Gurentai". This time, the popular comedy duo Cocorico has been selected as the lead, and idol Hiroko Anzai has been selected as Madonna. In 1970, the boy Gus is uninterested in the fact that Ryuji, a fair-skinned and meek transfer student to the next class, becomes popular with the girls. One day, Ji-yan from Liichi forms a grass baseball team, and Gus, who is not good at baseball, becomes a member. Gus finds out that Ryuji, who is sickly, is also secretly practicing baseball, and starts practicing with him.


Fundida: 遠藤章造, 田中直樹

Equipe técnica: 渡辺武 (Director)

País: Japan

Tempo de execução: 94 minutos

Qualidade: HD

Lançamento: 2000

imdb rating 7


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