
A beautiful girl, Gumomo Hayaka (Koko Kamata), transfers to Class 1C. Hideo Aiba (Shota Takasaki), a high school boy in the same class, falls in love at first sight with this transfer student for the first time in his life. The words that Hideo is confronted with by Huwano are, "Even if we were alone on earth, I would never have sex with Hideo. Hideo is absolutely obedient to Hu-tomo's orders, and he follows her every word with devotion. What is the true meaning of the devilish Hideo? And how will the slightly SM romance between Hideo and Gumomo end?

País: Japan

Tempo de execução: 75 minutos

Qualidade: HD

Lançamento: 2015

imdb rating 7


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