Why Evolution Is Stupid!

Creation Science Evangelism teaching on video. Dr. Kent Hovind, and his son Eric Hovind reach thousands of people every week with the gospel of Jesus Christ via the creation message. With his extensive studies in science, Dr. Hovind has participated in many popular debates with prominent evolutionists. Dr. Hovind is also known for his 17-hour award-winning seminar series. Including topics such as the Age of the Earth, and the so-called "Cavemen"! Many things are covered in great detail in this series, such as Carbon Dating, DNA, Whale evolution, horse evolution, and the human body!

Gênero: Documentário

Fundida: Dr. Kent Hovind

Equipe técnica:


Tempo de execução: 115 minutos

Qualidade: HD

Lançamento: 2001

imdb rating 6


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