
A fragment of an abandoned, long work concerning St. Teresa of Avila. A sexual orgy symbolizing the decadance of modern society. Maas, who acts in this film, plays the devil while a wild orgy goes on in his living-room. There is the fantastic drag queen doing her job in the bathroom while frenzied love-making, to the incomparable baroque-jazz music of Tiji Ito, is carried on in Maas's baroque apartment. The camera in bird-swift flight depicts a scene of total decadence as Andy Warhol's Jackie Kennedy careens through the air. By way of explanation: the opening scene shows the director handing out masks to the actors-the same ones used in LSD WALL by John Hawkins. The taking of LSD was part of the original script.


Fundida: Willard Maas

Equipe técnica: Willard Maas (Director)

País: United States of America

Tempo de execução: 12 minutos

Qualidade: HD

Lançamento: 1967

imdb rating 7


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