First Rain, Brise-Soleil

The film opens with the fictional narrative of a Vietnamese-Khmer construction worker who specializes in brise-soleil, the concrete lattices for shading and ventilating buildings that, in cities like Ho Chi Minh City (before 1976 named Saigon), unite a traditional Vietnamese building technique with a modern material linked to US domination. The film’s second half, set during the 18th century’s feudal wars, centers on a folkloric love story between a Vietnamese medicinal healer and a Khmer woman that unfolds around the symbolic significance of a durian (or “thouren”) fruit, a major product of the Mekong Delta.

Gênero: Drama


Equipe técnica: Thảo Nguyên Phan (Director)

País: Vietnam

Tempo de execução: 16 minutos

Qualidade: HD

Lançamento: 2022

imdb rating 7


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