
Despicable Me: Minion Mayhem

Experience Despicable Me Minion Mayhem and join Gru, his daughters and the mischievous Minions on a heartwarming and thrilling ride. Start your adventure in Gru’s home, where you’re recruited for his latest scheme – one where you’ll become an actual Minion. After making it through “Minion training” things don’t go as planned! Within moments, you’re launched into an unforgettable trip through his super-villain laboratory. The laughs keep coming after the ride with an interactive, Minion-inspired dance party.


Fundida: Steve Carell, Miranda Cosgrove, Dana Gaier, Elsie Fisher

Equipe técnica:

País: United States of America

Tempo de execução: 115 minutos

Qualidade: HD

Lançamento: 2012

imdb rating 7.5


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