
Dancing Outlaw

This documentary short, produced for West Virginia public TV's "Different Drummer" series, introduces us to Jesco White, a hard-living, tap-dancing Boone County resident whose repeated run-ins with the law have interfered with his dream of becoming as renowned a "mountain dancer" as his late father, D. Ray White. We meet Jesco's three distinct personalities; the gentle and loving Jesse, the violent and dangerous Jesco, and the extremely strange Elvis. We also encounter various members of Jesco's family, all nearly as eccentric as Jesco himself. You will ask, "Are these people for real?" Yes, they are.

Gênero: Documentário

Fundida: Jesco White

Equipe técnica: Jacob Young (Director)

País: United States of America

Tempo de execução: 28 minutos

Qualidade: HD

Lançamento: 1991

imdb rating 7.2


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