The story takes place when the Shin-Okubo district of Tokyo was still known as Okubomura, where the yakuza are running a real estate business called Misato Kogyo. Starting with the mule AF, who carries 'cargo' inside his own butt hole, the gang members, each of whom has their own complex personality, greatly admire the gang leader Joaquin. But after he is hospitalized after his car accident scam goes wrong, they plan to rebuild the organization together with the new gang leader, a dope friend.
Jeter: 松尾スズキ, 阿部隆史, 荒川良々, 渡辺一志
Équipage: 奥秀太郎 (Director), 奥秀太郎 (Editor), 奥秀太郎 (Music), 奥秀太郎 (Cinematography), 奥秀太郎 (Screenplay)
日本の裸族 2003
M6 Trance Picture Works
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