In 1985, during the "Yamasho Conflict" in Kitami City, Hokkaido, Kazuharu Hashizume (Jiro Okazaki), leader of the Hashizume group under the Kamo faction of the Seiwa-kai, was gunned down by a member of the Tsuzuki faction, part of the Iwai group under the Inahara-kai. Despite this, the Seiwa-kai, the parent organization of the Hashizume group, pushed for a truce with the Tsuzuki faction, which had ties to their current rivals, the Yamaga group, to prevent further escalation. Unwilling to accept this decision, Kohei Nagamine (Yasukaze Motomiya), the Hashizume group’s lieutenant, leads his men in a defiant act of "truce-breaking," prepared to make enemies of yakuza across Japan.
実録・手打ち破り(極道血風録2) 2007
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