REVOLTING is a feature film comedy about a prolific playwright struggling to write a sequel to his one and only hit, but his characters revolt and won't let him. Jeff is a playwright who made his name years ago with the smash comedy 'The Madcap Murderesses.' Since then, he has channeled his efforts into more serious theater, producing a steady stream of critically-acclaimed flops. Now the theater that premiered 'Madcap Murderesses' is in financial straits, and asks Jeff to write a sequel to his original hit. Jeff reluctantly agrees, not knowing that the characters he created will soon take on a life of their own...
Jeter: William Kephart, Julia Megan Sullivan, Sharon Tipsword, Eric W. Sizemore, Leslie Boedicker, Jamie I. DeVore, David E. Laker, Ron McDaniel, John Dowers, Donna Sant, Jason Asaad, Gary Gardner, Brian K. Morris
Équipage: Leslie Boedicker (Producer), Michael Boedicker (Visual Effects), Stephanie Swearingen (Musician), Michael Boedicker (Cinematography), Mark Moser (Visual Effects)
Revolting 2010
Roselawn Productions
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