Simpsons: The XXX Parody (2011)
"Simpsons: The XXX Parody" is a 2011 Comedy movie directed by Lee Roy Myers and starring by Andy San Dimas, Briana Blair. 2012 AVN Award Nominee for Best Makeup. In this live-action satire, starring Andy San Dimas and Briana Blair, Homer borrows Flanders' video camera and tries to convince Marge to let him glaze her tight pink donut. Mmmm, pink donut. But instead, everybody else in Springfield seems to be getting their shorts eaten, until Marge finally decides to let her blue hair down, and show you and Homer how wet and wild it can get underneath that green dress.
Released : Jan 18, 2011
Runtime : 106 min.
Genre : Comedy
Stars : Andy San Dimas, Briana Blair, Asia Zo, Evan Stone
Director : Lee Roy Myers
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