Cake Boy (2005)
"Cake Boy" is a 2005 Comedy movie directed by Joe Escalante and starring by Scott Aukerman, Mia Crowe. With danger hot on his heels, erotic-cake baker Selwyn (Warren Fitzgerald) flees his abusive girlfriend and takes up with a punk band in this inspiring tale. Working as a roadie for No Use for a Name, Selwyn falls for a disabled cutie who persuades him to grab his mixer and compete against the "Master Baker of France." The Vandals bassist Joe Escalante directs this film featuring songs from Yellowcard, The Bronx, Jackson, Piebald and many more.
Released : Jun 21, 2005
Runtime : 90 min.
Genre : Comedy
Stars : Scott Aukerman, Mia Crowe, Joe Escalante, Kyle Gass
Director : Joe Escalante
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