Nicole Brown Simpson: Her Final Hours (2009)
"Nicole Brown Simpson: Her Final Hours" is a 2009 movie directed by and starring by . This compelling documentary series unlocks the hidden secrets, psychological flaws and events that result in the tragic deaths of famed notorious and the iconic. Every episode maps out the final 24 hours of a different famous person's life. The series weaves the star's back-story with events from their last day, which lays bare the threads of fate that led inextricably from childhood to the moment of death. These are no ordinary biographies. They're psychological detective stories attempting to uncover the mystery of why the celebrity died. This episode focuses on the last twenty-four hours of Nicole Brown Simpson, wife of famous football star O.J. Simpson. Nicole Brown Simpson started her day with her ordinary run. Little did she know that it would be the last run she would take.
Released : Jan 01, 2009
Runtime : 0 min.
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