A Bloody Fight (1988)
"A Bloody Fight" is a 1988 Action movie directed by Joyee Cheung Lai-Ling and starring by Norman Tsui Siu-Keung, Gordon Liu Chia-Hui. Keung and Fai had been good friends since childhood. They both had keen interest in boxing-matches. Having parted with Keung for more than ten years, Fai had become a police officer. On the contrary, Keung had joined an illegal organization as a professional killer. Keung decided to resign from the organization
Released : May 12, 1988
Runtime : 92 min.
Stars : Norman Tsui Siu-Keung, Gordon Liu Chia-Hui, Lau Kar-Leung, Chor Yuen
Director : Joyee Cheung Lai-Ling
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