Crime Partners (2003)
"Crime Partners" is a 2003 Drama movie directed by Kenneth McGriff and starring by Ezra Knight, Keith Buterbaugh. Hustlers, players and gangsters rule the urban streets of New York in this story about loyalty and betrayal. Billy Goode, a street-smart crook and his partner Jackie Williams are two small time gangsters with dream of seeing their names in the headlines. After a shooting and robbery that doesn't give them the attention they desire, the partners hook up with the local criie boss Kenyatta who has a major agenda to shake up the city. Meanwhile Detective Benson and Detective Ryan are on the case.
Released : Jan 01, 2003
Runtime : 102 min.
Stars : Ezra Knight, Keith Buterbaugh, Tyrin Turner, John 'B.J.' Bryant
Director : Kenneth McGriff
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