LazyTown’s New Superhero (2005)
"LazyTown’s New Superhero" is a 2005 Comedy movie directed by Magnús Scheving and starring by Magnús Scheving, Julianna Rose Mauriello. Stephanie and the LazyTown children decide to repay Sportacus for all of his heroics by giving him a day off - with Stephanie taking over as hero. Robbie Rotten decides to take advantage, and builds a nasty dog which runs amok in the town.
Released : Aug 15, 2005
Runtime : 44 min.
Genre : Comedy, Family, TV Movie
Stars : Magnús Scheving, Julianna Rose Mauriello, Stefán Karl Stefánsson, Guðmundur Þór Kárason
Director : Magnús Scheving
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